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Most people spend way too much time trying to write, agonizing over every word, sharpening pencils, getting drinks of water, cleaning out sock drawers--then end up with something that reads like . . . well, not like what they had in mind when they sat down to the task.

With WordQueen, not only do you free up your own valuable time so you can work on something you do more efficiently, you give the job to someone who can do the job quickly, and you end up with the kind of result you wanted in the first place.

We specialize in writing for business.

Key Benefits
  • Flawless, professional appearance
  • Clear communication of your ideas and concepts
  • Time and worry saved
  • On-time delivery

Types of Writing
  • Business writing - proposals, press releases, letters, reports, marketing copy, newsletters, articles, presentations
  • Academic writing (but not student papers)
  • Ghostwriting
  • Resumes and cover letters
  • Speech writing

    It's important to keep your audience in mind. How knowledgeable are your readers about your subject? How long do you have to catch their attention before they move on to the next thing? How can you capture their attention and spur them to act?


    Half the battle in writing is organization, creating a flow so your reader knows where he's going, where he is and where he's been. Without strong organization, your argument or description won't resonate in the mind of the reader. Signposts, transitions, sectioning, graceful quotations--all will help guide your reader through your content. We bring fresh eyes to your project and can tell whether your ideas are coming across in a logical way or not. We'll join in the cheering if it is and help you fix it if it's not.

Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

    There are only 14 reasons to put in a comma. Past perfect really does mean something different from present perfect. Passive voice vs. active voice, parallel construction, subject-verb agreement . . . Attention to all these things can mean the difference between your ideas' being noticed and their being "no-diced."


    We can help with MLA and AP styles, as well as others. Proper use of white space, headings, citations, quotations, tables, charts and graphs are all details that can make the difference between your work's looking professional and readable or looking impenetrable, incomprehensible and dull.

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Contact Information
(U.S. and Canada): 800-421-1969, ext. 00
Phone (outside U.S. and Canada): 210-545-1172
Fax: 210-545-1172 (please call before faxing)